A Quick Summary of “A Shiksa is Born” (with Lady Gaga)

A Quick Summary of “A Shiksa is Born” (with Lady Gaga)

Here is a quick plot summary of the new version of A Star is Born (aka A Shiksa is Born) starring Lady Gaga.

  • Boy meets girl in a drag bar
  • Boy loses girl because he’s a drunken louse
  • Boy kills himself

This is what the (((media))) want for your sons. This is the world they’ve envisioned for them. His future is a lifeless body, swinging from the rafters of an empty room: see Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, etc.

Will you wake up before it’s too late? Will you be able to steer your life in another direction? Will you have the courage to see that everything good is bad and everything bad is good?

Conversely, here is the movie from the “modern” woman’s perspective:

  • Girl is a stripper
  • Girl meets an Alpha male that sees the magic inside her
  • Girl becomes the legend she as destined to be
  • Girl continues on after alpha dies…no harm, no foul.

It seems better, but it’s really not. First off, your daughter should not be stripping. Secondly, she should not wait for a rock star to drag her out of a filthy gutter.

If she follows the advice in the movie, she’ll be the one swinging from the rafters – just look at how many modern women are currently on anti-depressants. The reason is not a debased nature; it’s because they’re following a debased Weltnschauung.

Satan is alive and well…and his name is Eric Roth. He is the Jewish writer of A Shiksa is Born and, like all his Satantic ilk, he receives a sick pleasure in polluting the spiritual waters of America. His joy lies in a discombobulated goyim, struggling to make sense of their crumbling lives.

There is no need to wait for Halloween to see monsters…they operate in the boardrooms and synagogues of Hollywood.

A Wife Will Blame the Failure of Her Sons on the Weltanschauung of Her Husband

A Wife Will Blame the Failure of Her Sons on the Weltanschauung of Her Husband

Not long ago I met up with an old friend. I remember his parents well growing up; they were both lovely people…his mother in particular. Today, both he and his brother are 50, unmarried and childless. Both of them are nice guys…for better or worse.

Long story short, the sons have failed to give their mother the grandchildren she has been waiting for.

“How are your parents?” I asked.

“It’s sad,” he replied. “My mother criticizes my father all day. She just jabs him, insults him…it never stops.”

Red-pill summary: A wife will blame the failure of her sons on the Weltanschauung of her husband.

In her mind, it was the father’s job to teach the sons about the “facts of life”: i.e. how to successfully interact with women. It was the father’s job to teach the sons how to respond to a woman’s shit test. It was the father’s job to teach the sons how to improve their SMV. I am sure that she never phrased it as such to him. But many things with women are unspoken. As the Manosphere says, women want a man that “just gets it.”

Fathers should remember this as they raise their sons. It’s not enough to provide them with financial support. They must give them the skills necessary to manuever through the minefield of the modern dating world. If not, there could come a day when the resentment of their spouse takes the place of the missing grandchildren.