On the Duplicity and Degeneracy of the Movie “Flashdance”

On the Duplicity and Degeneracy of the Movie “Flashdance”

Yesterday, the Major saw the movie Flashdance againI grew up in the 1980s, so I saw the picture when I was a hapless beta-male. Like so many modern films, the movie fails in hindsight. We realize that we were infected by a piece of degenerate art. Let’s start from the top, shall we?

Point #1 – Alexandra “Alex” Owens (Jennifer Beals) is an eighteen-year-old welder at a steel mill in Pittsburgh.

  • Bullshit! How many women do you know that are professional welders?    Moreover, if you do find one, what are the chances that she’s 18 and attractive?

Point #2 – Alex works as a stripper at night. One evening, she catches the eye of customer Nick Hurley, the owner of the steel mill where she works. After learning that Alex is one of his employees, Nick begins to pursue her on the job.

  • Bullshit again. If you were a rich Alpha male, why would you pursue a stripper?

Point #3 – Throughout the film, Alex is basically a bitch to Nick. And yet, he cannot seem to get enough of her emasculating ways. Every sarcastic comment draws him in. Every angry scowl on her face deepens his love.

  • Three strikes of bullshit…you’re out! What rich man is going to accept being perpetually denigrated by an 18-year old stripper with a malicious attitude?

The movie presents a dangerous message to both men and women. It teaches young men that it’s ok to “save” a stripper – would you instill that lesson in your son? And it teaches young women that an Alpha male will overlook their promiscuous transgressions and provide them with a life of luxury – would you instill that lesson in your daughter?

Never forget, my dear reader…the GREAT EMPIRE must have GREAT ARTWORKS by GREAT MEN. These ARTWORKS must promote a UNIVERSAL LIFE ESSENCE and HUMAN BEAUTY. We cannot accept the broken morality of degenerate art.

Two roads diverge in the woods…you can choose the Cleaver family or gay wedding cakes. There is no in between.

See Related Story: The Karate Kid Was a Piece of Anti-American Propaganda

The Artistic Destiny of Mankind is of Utmost Importance

The Artistic Destiny of Mankind is of Utmost Importance

This idea was furthered by Richard Wagner is his wonderful autobiography, My Life:

I insisted upon attaching an importance to the artistic destiny of mankind which far transcended the mere aims of citizenship.

We need this perspective. For a nation to be great, it needs more than economic success. It needs more than technological advancement. And it needs more than sensual passion.

It needs an art form that elevates humanity – one that expresses a universal life essence. It could be a three-act play that brings a grown man to tears. It could be an overture that inspires a young man to rise up and chase his dream with relentless fervor. Or it could be an epic poem, filling the classrooms of a nation with ethereal bliss.

Art is culture. And without a wonderful display of human expression, no nation can every call itself an EMPIRE.

See Related Article: The Difference Between a Great Work of Art and a Bad One

The Halloween Franchise Died in 1978

The Halloween Franchise Died in 1978

There was only one Halloween picture of any value – the original (1978). The movie was celebrating its 40-year anniversary this week, so the former players were in the news a bit: i.e. Jamie Lee Curtis, John Carpenter. The Major was 7 years old at the time, and I remember being terrified by the picture. Forty years later, the movie is still scary.

The success of the movie is centered on PLAUSIBILITY. Every subsequent version was ridiculous, because the villain was killed at the end of the original (he was shot five times after all).

Therefore, the Halloween franchise ended in 1978. The subsequent versions are a testament to Hollywood’s lack of originality – as well as its lack of decorum. Mindless violence is, after all, mindless. Moreover, there’s really nothing scary about a “monster” that could not exist – it’s no different than believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.

Horror is a very delicate genre. If done well, it can reveal the complex underpinnings of human psychology. If done poorly, it can quickly descend into a ludicrous waste of time. The Halloween sequels are the latter of the two.

See Related Article: Movie Review: Colao

On the Popularity of Young and Attractive Female Bloggers

On the Popularity of Young and Attractive Female Bloggers

Young and attractive female bloggers gain a lot of attention. They can post a photo and receive 1,000 likes, 500 comments, etc. And yet, all this popularity is suspect. Realize that America is infested with beta-male orbiters. These are men whose desperation is painful and palpable. These men are Incels (involuntary celibates) that are trying to gain the attention of attractive women in the digital landscape. Maybe…just maybe, she will bang him.

To all the young and attractive female bloggers: Do not conflate this online attention with genuine fandom.

You want to see how talented you are? Change your photo to that of a middle-aged woman. And then wait…just wait (can you hear the crickets?). Nobody will be liking or commenting on your daily thoughts. That’s the harsh reality.

The typical “fan” of a young and attractive female blogger.

The beta male giveth and he taketh away. His adoration of you is a false display of affection. Once you hit 40, he’ll no longer care if you’re alive or dead.

Only an older female blogger can truly assess her talents. Because the men that comment on her work will be basing their assessment on the value of her thoughts (as opposed to her youthful appearance).

See Related Article:  Photo of Dallas: Then and Now


Artwork of the Day: “The Anchorage” by Brian Larsen

Artwork of the Day: “The Anchorage” by Brian Larsen

Behold “The Anchorage”. It’s a wonderful painting by Bryan Larsen, made in 2003:


Mr. Larsen is focusing on the Uberman. We see the becoming of greatness – of a soul that creates tomorrow, We see a dreamer – daring and defiant. He burns with desire. He must – by all means necessary – cement his name into the annals of history. Anything less is unacceptable.

When the common man sees a bridge, he observes an outline: a name, a toll fee, etc. His brain spins on the surface level. But the GREAT MAN feels a bridge in his soul. He realizes that it was created by a restless WILL…by an immortal soul.

Thomas Carlyle said, “History is the biography of great men.” Giant bridges are a testament to this. Some people think they were created to get people from point A to point B. In reality, giant bridges were created so that the Uberman can express the potential of a dynamic spirit.

You can learn more about Mr. Larsen’s work at the following website: Brian Larsen

See Related Article: The “Nice Man” is Not a Great Man

Random Paintings That Inspire a Nation

Random Paintings That Inspire a Nation

I came across the following painting – I don’t know the author or the name of it. However, it’s an important work nonetheless.  The painting celebrates a universal life essence – the beauty of a happy American family.

This painting promotes family, patriotism and natural beauty.

What is art? It’s the expression of your inner self. So nothing beautiful can emerge from an individual that’s broken. Garbage in, garbage out. We’ve been too lax on this point. For art is not a subjective choice, bereft of meaning. It promulgates the virtuous victory of a people. It champions the noble virtues of a nation. We need to locate the beauty giants of our culture, allowing them to present our passion to the world.

By contrast, let’s look at postmodern art. This “movement” can best be illustrated by its most famous work: “Fountain” by Marcel Duchamp.

Art critics prefer that you analyze “Fountain” by Duchamp. In other words, go put your head in the toilet.

As you can see, these matters are beyond style and form. They speak to something deeper. Something that emanates – or does not emanate – from the soul of a man. Something that burns, or fails to burn, within the essence of his character.

A country needs more than a strong economy (although that’s important). It needs a WELTANSCHAUUNG. We get this worldview from an art community that celebrates the noble…one that dwells in the soil of success.

See Related Article: On the Greatness on Arnold Bocklin’s Self-Portrait With Death

Reblog: “The Short, Mediocre Life of David Foster Wallace” by Matt Forney

Reblog: “The Short, Mediocre Life of David Foster Wallace” by Matt Forney

For some time, I’ve wanted to write an article about David Foster Wallace. Many years ago, I tried to read Infinite Jest. I saw a video by Stephen King where he raved about the book. Long story short, after reading the novel I was nauseated. It was, arguably, the worst book I ever read (been subjugated to is a better description). How could such a terrible book become famous?

Matt Forney provides an explanation. So I defer to his article, because he summarizes the novel, as well as Foster’s life, very well. Note that Wallace committed suicide, casting a dubious shadow over his fame.

Some great quotes are listed below:

“…no one has actually enjoyed Infinite Jest, that unreadable Rubik’s Cube of pointless allusions and plagiarized subplots.”

“His books have been steadily forgotten and the choppy, sludgy style he pioneered has been swept aside by a torrent of genuine talent.”

“David Foster Wallace’s impact on American literature was as ephemeral as a rat’s fart.”

Well put.

Foster was a media creation, applauded for his ability to create ambiguity. His opaque vision of the world was, in many ways, similar to other diabolical schemes: i.e. the Frankfurt School, the Kalergi Plan. Create a confusion, destroy an Alpha, and gather a shekel…then repeat and rinse.

Thankfully, the world is waking up. Democracy, via the internet, is exposing the foot soldiers of Satan. It’s a great time to be alive.

The full article is here in all its glory: The Short, Mediocre Life of David Foster Wallace

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On Promoting Gay Rights With Your Children

On Promoting Gay Rights With Your Children

Yesterday, I came across a photo of an old classmate. I went to middle school with him and, to this day, I have vivid memories of him. He was a strong boy, excelling at athletics. Baseball, football…you name it. He was an Alpha on the playground of my youth. Even the school bully was afraid of him.

Fast forward to now…

Today he’s a single father, promoting gay rights with his young daughter. How do I know this? Well, on his Facebook profile, he’s posing with the aforementioned daughter.  Their picture is superimposed with a rainbow flag and, in the left-hand corner, we find the slogan “Gay Rights Are Human Rights.”

Homo kids
The media is encouraging you to discuss transsexualism with your children.

For a moment, I tried to imagine my father doing this. What if when I was a child, he took a photo of us and wrote “I Support Transsexualism” on top of it? What would his contemporaries think ? What would people of any historical time period or country think of his actions? The answer is simple – they would call him crazy.

We need more than a positive attitude. We need a discerning eye. We need to stay committed to sanity, ignoring the false utopias of relativism. Generally speaking, be suspicious of a “new trend” in the media:

The Bible puts it well (Corinthians 11:14):

Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

*It should be noted that my old classmate is single. Women, despite their sympathetic nature, find beta males to be disgusting. No woman ever said, “Someday I’ll find a man that fights for gay rights!” So it makes sense that the mother of his child left him, looking for a man with a masculine purpose.

See Related Article: What is the Frankfurt School and Who is Max Horkheimer?

“How to Write a Vice Article” Does a Wonderful Job of Satirizing the Far Left

“How to Write a Vice Article” Does a Wonderful Job of Satirizing the Far Left

Apparently, Vice is a far-left magazine (Major Styles does not read that rag). At any rate, I came across a video that adequately summarizes the far left. Today, these provocateurs have conquered the Democratic party; it’s become embarrassing to witness. Have a look at the video, since it’s only thirty seconds:

Ha! Too funny.

Comedy is an excellent form of rhetoric – one that the Roman orator Quintilian spoke about in detail. And humor is something that the perpetually offended are lacking in: everything is racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Note how few comedies there are in Hollywood at the moment. The left-wing shills are more concerned with giving James Bond a gay friend than they are with entertaining the crowd (Ian Fleming, may you rest in peace).

Comedy is the mark of genius. Not the stumbling schlemiel that’s pandered around Hollywood in the form of Larry David or Woody Allen (we should be laughing at those pathetic half-men, not with them). Rather, great comedy is the use of wit, word play, creativity, imagination, and talent.

See Related Article: Is Max Joseph the Biggest Cuck in America?