What Happens to a Dream Deferred?

What Happens to a Dream Deferred?

Let’s take another look at this famous poem:

What happens to a dream deferred?

Why would any GREAT MAN defer his dreams? He’s in a battle against the forces of evil, looking to ascend the mountain of prosperity. He’ll accept nothing less than total victory. He won’t sleep until he’s wearing the champion’s crown. He would NEVER defer his dreams.

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Who cares what happens to the failed dreams of a loser? If he/she lacks the courage to grab the chalice of glory, then so be it. His failure is dry, it’s wet…well, who cares?

Or fester like a sore–
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?

It probably does fester. Again, who cares? Life’s too short to contemplate the broken dreams of others. It will get you nowhere and waste your time.

The important questions are this: Are YOU chasing your goals? Are YOU smashing through the obstacles? Are YOU overcoming the challenges? These questions should mean more to you than the wilted dreams of another man.

Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?

Probably not. Failed dreams have a way to making people bitter. The only exception is when the dream is quite large (becoming a rock star, playing major league baseball, etc.). In this case, the individual can feel somewhat content that he gave it his best shot.

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Again, who cares what happens to the failed dreams of a loser? Does it sag or explode….that’s not your problem.

A GREAT MAN is relentless in his pursuit of a goal…he doesn’t wonder what happens to the “dream deferred” of another man. He’s too busy slaying demons, making plans, and completing goals. He gets up in the morning and a fire burns in his belly. He won’t rest until he’s taken part in the glorious battles of life.

See Related Article: Poetry Review: A Critique of August 1968 by W.H. Auden


“After the Fire” by Roger Daltrey

“After the Fire” by Roger Daltrey

Roger Daltrey is a GREAT MAN. Not only does he have a great voice, but he’s avoided the trappings of the modern musician: i.e. left-wing cuckoldry and beta-male ankle grabbing. Notice how Daltrey supported the Brexit. He understands that he’s part of a great nation, and that the cultural traditions of that nation are paramount. In short, you cannot turn London into Mogadishu and still have “jolly-old England.”

young daltry
Roger Daltrey as a young man. The dude could pull chicks…

Instead, London will continue to have female circumcision, honor killings, and acid attacks. Warning: If you thought British cooking was bad, then you’ll long for the days of a jacket potato and a warm pint of ale.

One can only imagine the threats that Daltrey has received from the soy-boy English crowd, as well and the purple-hair factions of feminism. Good thing that he doesn’t give a f*ck. #StillHepersisted

The takeover of England, expressed in one photo. Sir Richard Burton…where are you?

Today we pay tribute to Roger Daltrey. This noble song (“After the Fire”) was not appreciated when it emerged in 1985. But yet, it was great. A song about the aftermath of a breakup. Two people, going their separate ways. Two ships that crossed in the night but weren’t meant to be.

And yet, he still loves her. For they shared the magic of a human touch. The passion of a moment in time, now dissipated….after the fire, the fire still burns!!!

See Related Article: The Nice Man is Not A Great Man

Why You Gotta Be So Rude? I’m Gonna’ Marry Her Anyway

Why You Gotta Be So Rude? I’m Gonna’ Marry Her Anyway

I overheard a song the other day. I’m sure many of you know the tune, since radio has a way of bombarding the listener into submission. At any rate, the song is called “Rude” and it’s by a group called Magic! Here was the “hook” from their hit song:

Why you gotta be so rude?
Don’t you know I’m human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I’m gonna marry her anyway

Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl

These are dark times in the romantic world – as exhibited by popularity of the song. The singer is a man (with presumably descended testes) that is being disrespected by a woman. What would a GREAT MAN do? Very simple…tell the girl to fuck off!

But no…not the singer of the song. Instead, he’s gonna “marry her anyway.”

marry her
“He’s gonna marry her anyway”

Sometimes, Major Styles needs to pinch himself. It like I’m living in a horror movie, watching as Michael Myers is strangling the innocent populous to death. But no, it’s not a sick dream…it’s real! It’s a modern, post-feminist America: a place where misandry and cuckoldry are the tag-team champions of the WWE.

Remember: the happily married couple is the enemy of the Western world. For they represent the seed of civilization. Via their union, the tree of life (i.e. children) will take root and form. Parents are the bedrock of a civilization…the nucleus of a healthy society. So the happily married couple is the enemy of all those who are jealous and bitter. Rather than applaud the couple, they seek to seditiously undermine the courtship. And they use an unconventional weapon to plot their destruction – music.

kkids dancing
Kids enjoying the beat, repeating lyrics that are meant to turn them into feminazis and cuckolded men.

Once America is humming along – unaware of the subliminal implications of the lyrics – then they are falling right into the hands of Satan.

See Related Article: The Grunge Musician Was a Puppet of the Globalist Agenda




Every Married Man Will Experience a Crisis of Trust

Every Married Man Will Experience a Crisis of Trust

Weddings are so beautiful: the cake, the dress, the emotional speeches. And then you have the photos being uploaded to Facebook, the countless likes and comments. The couple walks into an ambiguous tomorrow…like the end of a Hollywood movie.

And then reality sets in. Or, the mundane circumstances of everyday life. The common, the boring, and the trivial.

It’s during this time that EVERY married man will experience a crisis of trust.

I was married for one year before I had my “crisis of trust.” One day, it just hit me…”Oh sh*t! This woman can destroy the life!” It wasn’t that I believed that she would do it; it was the fact that she had the power to. Via marriage, I had given her a key to my potential destruction. She could be the Brutus to my Caesar. The Robin Givens to my Mike Tyson.

The fear of every married man. After she says “I do,” you might be done for…

Eventually, I overcame my fear. I realized that I could not live with jealousy for the rest of my life. So the best thing I could do was excel, reaffirming my dedication to the Alpha-male lifestyle. My dedication to this goal, along with the bond we had already created, would be the best “glue” for our marriage.

Not long after, I spoke with several other married men on the topic. As it turns out, they also had the “crisis of trust.” One guy was searching his gal’s telephone while she was sleeping, another guy  was looking through his wife’s laptop, etc. Every man went through the same thing. And funny enough, these men eventually came to the same conclusion as I did – you cannot live in constant fear that your wife will cheat on you. So you have to exchange your doubts for your peace of mind.

The majority of married men will eventually trust their wives – not because they are 100% sure of her fidelity, but because they cannot accept a life of continual jealousy and fear.

See Related Article: What’s the Most Pathetic Love Song of All Time?



On Singing Along to the Bee Gees

On Singing Along to the Bee Gees

The Bee Gees were an interesting band. On one hand, they wrote some beautiful songs. On the other hand, no man with a pair of descended testes should sing that high. It’s just wrong on so many levels.

Naturally, I can’t sing along with the Bee Gees (I have a very deep voice). And when I do, I feel like a tranny. But that’s life…we can’t have it all.

That’s why I prefer the instrumental version of their songs. Here’s a great rendition by Tommy Emmanuel, the Australian guitar virtuoso:

See Related Article What’s the Greatest Love Song of All Time?


On the Beauty of the Ukelele

On the Beauty of the Ukelele

When I seek to fly…I listen to beauty of the ukulele. A simple piece of wood, containing an angel. The calming power of her strings. Oh the irony…that something so tiny can transport a giant to the clouds!

God bless the ukelele.  She’s a light on the Highway of Despair, leading us to the Bed of Salvation. She’s the gatekeeper at the Door of Tranquility.  Listen to the sound of a child smiling! Hear the music of a heart dancing, lost in the embryo of innocence!

Is there a God on earth? If so, HE is sleeping on the strings of a ukulele.

See Related Article: Who is the Most Successful American Musician of All Time?


Movie Review: Colao

Movie Review:  Colao

Colao is a Dominican movie, similar to The Last American Virgin. It’s about a coffee grower, single and turning 40, that decides to search for the one thing he is missing in life: love. It was written by Jose Alama and Jose Pastor and released in November of 2017.

Here is a small trailer of the film.

Overall, Colao is a funny and warm-hearted movie. However, the film presents a dangerous lie – the idea that a poor man and a rich woman can fall in love. Therefore, men should be cautious when watching this film: i.e. enjoy the film, but disregard the theme(s).


We see the main character, a poor coffee grower named Antonio, leaving his home in the Dominican countryside. He heads to the capital city of Santo Domingo. There, we see the comedic tropes that have been used in countless films: i.e. the country bumpkin, stumbling through the modern world. And of course, it works again. Many laughs come from the protagonist trying to negotiate in a cosmopolitan city.

Eventually, Antonio falls is love. However, the woman (named Amarilis) happens to be part of the upper-class elite: a well-to-do lawyer that’s attractive and single (played by the talented Shailyn Sosa). Despite their socio-economic differences, the two hit it off. They fall in love and begin a whirlwind romance.

However, the conflict emerges in classic Aristotelian fashion.  Antonio is caught in a lie, putting their relationship in doubt. Eventually, the situation is rectified. The couple are reunited, their past troubles behind them, and they live “happily ever after.”

manny and amarilis
The poor farmer “gets” the rich socialite in the movie Colao.


The film presents a dangerous lie – the idea that a poor man and a rich woman can fall in love. Newsflash: Women are biologically incapable of loving a man that’s below them in social status (see the definition of hypergamy). For example, the secretary is usually sleeping with her boss and not the custodian of the building. The male teacher is dating a former female student…and on and on. I can list a thousand more examples in this regard. This fact is painfully obvious to anyone with a working pair of eyes.

The film Colao ignores the harsh reality of hypergamy.

*Note: Sometimes, in rare cases, a poor man and rich woman are together. However, there are usually extenuating circumstances attached to this coupling: i.e. he has an exceptionally large penis, she has baby rabies, etc. But these cases are the minority. And many times, these relationships end when the goal has been fulfilled.


Men should be cautious about the message of this film. Life is not a fantasy world, where unicorns fly out of a cotton-candy factory. Life is a battle of blood and guts, fought in Thunderdome cage. Therefore, men should continually seek to improve their sexual market value: i.e. get a college degree, start a business, gain wealth, etc. Only then will they be able to expand their pool of female prospects.

I recommend Colao as a piece of mindless entertainment. It has a few good laughs and gives you a nice, warm feeling. However, in terms of realism, it misses the mark.

See Related Article: Book Review: The Last Playboy by Porifrio Rubirosa


On the Greatness of Mel Gibson’s Hamlet

On the Greatness of Mel Gibson’s Hamlet

The gravedigger scene of Hamlet is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in all of Shakespeare. The depth of the moment, the poetry of the lines…wonderful.

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning?

Many actors have taken on the role. However, in my opinion, Mel Gibson did a fantastic job. His emotional delivery was great. His body language, artistic. In short, he captures the idea perfectly: a man grieving at the loss of an old friend.

Hollywood loves to trash on Gibson. His “anti-semetic” rants were over the top, perhaps. But who hasn’t had a salty conversation off camera? Who hasn’t spoke ill about a group of people before? Show me somebody that raises their hand, and I’ll show you a liar.

At any rate, here’s the clip. Gibson jumps right in Hamlet’s consciousness, taking us to a different time and place.

See Related Article: Poetry Review: A Critique of “August 1968” by W.H. Auden