We’ll never see a Giant Robot again.

Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot only lasted two seasons: 1967-1968. But during this time, it elevated the television arts. It was coined “Giant Robot” for short. For those that don’t know the program, you can watch a few episodes on YouTube. It was similar to other Japanese monster flicks, like Godzilla or Mothra.

Like many great things, it was unappreciated during its time.  It was only during syndication that it gained popularity. Children in the 1970s, such as myself, became avid fans.

So what made it so great?

The Father Figure

A young boy calls on a giant protector to defeat evil – it’s a beautiful story, simplistic but universal. Giant Robot is a father figure.  He’s a force that helps the child get out of trouble, that protects him from the bad guys. Giant Robot is the patriarch that every boy needs.

The father figure has been removed from television programs. It’s offensive to feminist leaders, who want a world of single mothers on Cymbalta. They’ve protested against shows with positive patriarchs, like “Father Knows Best.” Unfortunately, America has acquiesced to their demands. Now the father is now a buffoonish dolt like Homer Simpson, Al Bundy, or Ray Romano.

Johnny Sakko and his Flying Robot, created in 1967, occurred just before the second-wave feminism of the 1970s. In that way, it was like a Syrian refugee that escaped an airstrike. It got out…just in time! Thankfully, we can still find Giant Robot on the internet. We can be reminded of a time when young boys were allowed to respect a father figure. We can see what the world was like before the nation was degraded by degeneracy.

To learn more about feminism, see the following link: I’ll Take an Everything Bagel and a Matzoh Ball Soup 

Today’s Cartoons Are Made for Girls

I’ve been reintroduced to the world of cartoons by my two-year-old daughter. During this time, I’ve noticed something very striking – all the cartoons are aimed at young girls: you have Dora the Explorer, Doc McStuffins, the PowerPuff Girls, etc. Many of these episodes are designed to build a girl’s self-esteem or challenge gender roles. For example, you frequently see the PowerPuff girls fighting the bad guys.

I’ve realized that Johnny Sakko and His Flying Robot would never be produced today. The very concept of a young boy as a central character would be seen as sexism. The writers would change the title to The Adventures of Janice and Johnny Sakko, or something like that. Essentially, we’d be forced to bow to the altar of equalism. Janice calls Giant Robot 50% of the time, while Johnny calls him the other 50%, etc. Or, Janice beats up the bad guys while Johnny watches from the corner (preparing young men for a future in cuckold porn, perhaps).

Guest Monsters

But I digress…back to the actual show. The best thing about Johnny Sakko and His Giant Robot were the monsters. They were corny, but entertaining. They’d be laughed at by today’s audiences, people who’ve grown used to elaborate special effects. But it was the creativity and kitsch of the monsters that made them lovable – they were like bad Halloween costumes, essentially.

These are my favorites:

giant eye
Giant Robot battles an enormous eye…and why not?
Giant Robot battles the gargoyle vine. A giant maniacal plant…
And who can forget Dorogon? He was like a poor man’s Godzilla.


These monsters gave the show a beautiful charm. They allowed children to imagine a world of fantasy, where the amazing is a reality. They built our imagination. They took us us away from the mundane, letting us roam in the world of make believe. The monsters were lovable, entertaining, and charismatic. They spoke to the heart of a male child.


Johnny Sakko and His Flying Robot was short lived…but it was a classic. It transported the television arts to a higher level. And for American children in the 1970s, it provided a welcome respite from the ordinary. We were able to put ourselves in the shoes of Johnny Sakko, calling on a Giant Robot to protect us from the bad guys.

The world needs another Johnny Sakko.

For a related story, see the following link: Was Princess Leia a Role Model for Women?


6 thoughts on “In Tribute to Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot

  1. Solid. Solid piece.

    I could quote at least five things I particularly like, but I’ll just say in summation two things: This piece had a “golden aura” (a pastel nostalgia I like) but even better it made me feel and think about things I had never heard of.

    Those two things are somethings no writer can do better on. Awkwardly phrased, but I hope you know what I mean.

      1. I hope you do like me. Sometimes I confuse your dry humor for games-playing with me, but I really like you a lot, and I’ve come to depend on your advice and encouragement in my own life. If the fact is I haven’t talked to you as much as I’d like, that’s because my life is in turmoil. I have no stability, literally. You ARE a great writer, and it’s easy to see your education in your words. I am more self-trained so I’m rougher around the edges than you. Both a good and bad things. I am going to begin advertising heavily for my ‘site soon, and I hope the spillover reaches you. As long as you keep commenting, I’m sure you’ll get some of it.

        I consider you a good friend. ~ S*Gd.

    1. For some reason, I cannot comment on the other comment you left so I will comment here. Your vote of approval is highly valued…sometimes it feels lonely on these digital islands and it’s good to know there are kindred spirits out there.

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