The Sound of Music Was an Anti-Christian Piece of Jewish Propaganda

The Sound of Music was a great example of Judeo-Satanism in film – the screenplay was written by that filthy New York serpent, Ernest Lehman. Like so many modern films, when you expose it to the light, you see Jewish cockroaches running for cover.

Here are the three most immediate examples:

1.) Christian Nuns Are Portrayed as Evil

Julie Andrews just wants to sing in the glorious Swiss Alps. But those damn Christian nuns are so full of hate, they refuse it! Get it goyim? Your culture is evil. Your spiritual leaders hate music, nature, etc.

Why don’t you just blow your brains out already, goyim? Follow your other thought leaders like Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, etc.

We are Christians and we hate music. Oh by the way, our hateful characters were created by a New York Jew named Ernest Lehamn.

2.) Strict Christian Families are Portrayed as Evil

We eventually meet the Von Trapp family, ruled by a heartless and despotic father. He treats his children like military rats.

Get it goyim? You need to loosen up, man. Being strict with your children is so cruel! Be a “hands off” parent and let your son get an opioid addiction while your daughter gets gangbanged by the MS-13.

You see how evil the Christian families are? You need to let your children do whatever they want goyim…

3.) Here Come the Evil Nazis

The musical is interrupted for another “muh Nazis” subplot. What  happens during the second half of the film? Let me save you the time – more Satanic Jewish lies about history. They started World War 2, yet have foisted the blame on countless others.

We interrupt this musical to bring you another “muh Nazi” subplot.

So there you have it, movie goer. Your great movie, The Sound of Music, sodomized like every Hollywood movie. Beautiful music being used as a decoy so that the demonic hydra-head of Judaism can strike the innocent.

Hollywood is like a heroin needle, injecting its poisonous venom into the body of an unsuspecting victim.

Jews are the Masters of Confusion

Jews are the Masters of Confusion

Jews are excellent at creating decoys; in particular, they use their control of the media to start irrelevant conversations. Before long, the most brilliant of men are discussing these Jew-created fantasies: i.e. Amazonian fires, Russian meddling, rape on college campuses, etc. When the dust settles, we find that it was all bullshit—none of it existed in the first place.

But for the media Jews, the point was never to solve a problem. Their goal was to scramble the souls of GREAT MEN. They love to create a hedge maze of confusion. and then see how many people are stupid enough to wander through. This chaos gives them joy.

Go ahead goyim…find the missing answer. You’ll win a free knish from Yonah Shimmel’s if you solve the riddle.

Why do the media Jews gain pleasure out of confusing people? The answer is simple. The chaos they create is a direct reflection of their embittered souls: i.e. Epstein, Weinstein, Steinem, etc. So

As Jesus said in the Book of Thomas, “Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger: the dog neither eats nor let’s the cattle eat.”    

What is the solution, you ask?

It’s quite simple. Restore your foreskin (if you’re a man), embrace anti-semitism, marry a non-Jewish woman, do not mutilate your son’s cock, and educate your children on the Jewish question.

You’ll never grow as a man until you embrace the wonderful gift of anti-semitism. Only then will you end the constant suffering, confusion and pain. 

On the Connection Between Circumcision and the Jewish Psyche

On the Connection Between Circumcision and the Jewish Psyche

The foreskin was meant to protect the highly innervated parts of the penis: i.e. inner foreskin, corona, glans, frenulum. Circumcision removes this protective covering, thus drying out and desensitizing the penis. This disturbs the natural state—the delicate balance between mind and body. It forces the circumcised man to view sex in a more cerebral way—you will even hear circumcised men say things like “sex is all in your head.”

The displacement of this natural balance explains, in part, the twisted psyche of the Jew. For 2,500 years, he has immorally butchered his own children. Then, these mutilated men grew to worship the only thing that could give them a power that would equate itself (however falsely) to a missing prepuce—money.

Foreskin restoration offers a solution to the American man who, via the naivete of his parents, was butchered in the Jewish style. It covers the keratinized tissue, allowing the dead skin to slough off. Then the faux skin tube rolls back and forth over the re-enervated tissue: i.e. inner foreskin, corona, etc.

The result is “rolling waves of pleasure.” These waves will, when the conditions are right, lead to uncontrollable bodily shaking: i.e. orgasm. And the climax is a profound ejaculation – think Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” for a comparison.

The man that restores will reclaim a lot of the physical pleasure he was destined for. This act is, in many ways, the greatest revenge he can have against the Satanic practice of circumcision.

Where to Go From Here?

Where to Go From Here?

It’s been roughly a month since (((they))) shut down Chateau Heartiste. At that moment, it became apparent that WordPress is under control of a Satanic force. That the fly-infested pig’s head has inserted its control into the administration of WordPress.

So where to go from here?

We either worship Jewish control or we are censored. We either bow to the circumcised phallus, or we are obliterated. They want us to worship Larry David instead of a noble Roman gladiator.

Hasidic rabbi sucking the blood from a child’s penis. These are the people that run the United States and that our conservatives defend at every turn. Remember to NEVER say anything bad about them, you Nazi.

The Major has to decide on his next move. It’s better to tell the truth than to be a useful idiot or a coward.

Note: My picture for this post is of a rabbi sucking the blood out of a child’s penis – called Mitzvah B’Peh. All the people who think Jews are perfect people must, naturally, support this kind of child rape and violence.

An Analysis of Chris Robinson and Neal Casal on “What’s in My Bag?”

An Analysis of Chris Robinson and Neal Casal on “What’s in My Bag?”

Have you heard of the series “What’s in My Bag?” It’s from Amoeba records. They walk a famous musician through the store and ask him/her what CDs they buy: i.e. what they put in their bag.

An interesting one was Chris Robinson (from the Black Crowes) and Neal Casal. Both are great players/singers, but their selections indicate how deep the Judiac control of music is. In particular, how the Jew controls the artistic sensibilities of the people he rules over.

Here were their three main suggestions…the records they supposedly like the most:

1.) Arthur “Big Boy” Crodup – One of these Howling Wolf type black artists from the 1920s. A good player/singer I’m sure. But in reality, did anybody ever really listen to them enthusiastically?  I even wonder if the European guitar players that were SO influenced by these black guitarists ever really listen to them: i.e. Rolling Stones, Clapton, etc. I would say no. I imagine it’s just something they’re supposed to say.

The other day, I realized how nobody I ever knew enjoyed listening to these old black guitar players: Howling Wolf, etc. I think that says something.

Say what you will about someone like Michael Jackson, but at least people listen to him. He has genuine fans as opposed to alleged fans.

2.) Judee Sill – Some forgotten female singer from the past. Perhaps she was good, perhaps not. Either way, Robinson says, “we need some more strong, feminine voices.” From that comment, I gather she’s not worth listening to. Predictably, she committed suicide. So score one for the (((globalists))).

They planted the Sylvia Plath seed into her mind, and she followed suit accordingly.

3.) John Rehnbourn and Wizz Jones – Two obscure English guitar players. Good sound from the little I heard. But the main gist was that Rehnbourn “hitch hiked to Afghanistan” during the 1960s and how, according to Neal Casal, that idea is “more important than ever” now. In other words, a European man gave up on his homeland to live in the future home of the Taliban. I am sure that a comment like that would receive full support from Cuckerberg over at Fakebook.  

Executive summary: These European geniuses from the past preferred the Arab world to Europe. So Sweden should be willing to let 2 million Syrian refugees flood into Stockholm.

Conclusion: Music is not merely sound. It conveys the Weltanschauung of a nation. It teaches people what to think, how to feel, etc. By watching a show like “What’s in My Bag?” we can see the Luciferian hand, working on the minds of the talented musicians of America.

On Choosing a Reading List for One’s Daughter

On Choosing a Reading List for One’s Daughter

I was thinking about making a reading list for my daughter when she gets older – something wholesome and absent of Satanism.

So I started reading this book that I was introduced to about a decade ago—Anne of Green Gables.  I visited Prince Edward Island in Canada and saw the house where the author (Lucy Montgomery) grew up. It was a quaint little place, still stuck in the 1800s.

The house of Lucy Montgomery on Prince Edward Island; the site that inspired her to write Anne of Green Gables. The Majot was there around ten years ago.

The book is ok, basically. Kind of an Oliver Twist type story, only for young girls: i.e. the orphan who succeeds against all odds. She might like it. Although she’s not an orphan, so maybe not. We tend to relate more to characters that are similar to ourselves.

Perhaps it’s better to not expose children to fiction. It could give them false ideas about the true nature of humanity. For example, happy endings don’t always happen (unless you pay $50 at a Korean massage parlor).

It’s probably better to just give children “hard” information as opposed to fiction and fantasy.

Better to do as Benjamin Franklin’s father did—only expose children to fact(s) in their formative years. That way they don’t become addicted to fairytales and fantasies.

On the Twisted Nature of Purim

On the Twisted Nature of Purim

The twisted nature of Judaism is exhibited in the story of Purim (one of their major holidays):

1.) King Haman wants to kill all the Jews
2.) His wife Esther, herself a Jew, foils the plan
3.) Haman is killed along with his 10 sons, who had nothing to do with the incident. 
4.) To celebrate the occasion, Jews eat triangle cookies (called Hamentashen) that make fun of Haman’s pointed ears.

Lessons Learned
1,) People hate Jews for no reason. For example, King Haman’s reason for hating the Jews is never given. He simply wants to kill them all…no questions asked. This allows the Jew to embrace the status of the “innocent victim”.
2.) Your allegiance to the tribe is your number one priority. For example, Esther chooses the Jewish people over her own husband. This teaches the Jew that it’s ok to doublecross anybody in the name of Judaism…even a spouse.
3.) It’s OK to kill innocent people. For example, all 10 of Haman’s sons are killed, even though they had nothing to do with the incident. This allows the Jew to accept a “by any means necessary” morality.
4.) Make childish fun of the people that hate you. For example, Haman had big ears (allegedly), so Jews eat triangle cookies. It’s equivalent to eating cookies that are shaped like Hitler mustaches, or something to that effect. 

These mythologies are, on one hand, somewhat irrelevant since they are merely stories. And yet, they form the underpinning of a culture’s morality – or lack thereof.

See Related Article: How I Restored My Foreskin

A Quick Summary of “A Shiksa is Born” (with Lady Gaga)

A Quick Summary of “A Shiksa is Born” (with Lady Gaga)

Here is a quick plot summary of the new version of A Star is Born (aka A Shiksa is Born) starring Lady Gaga.

  • Boy meets girl in a drag bar
  • Boy loses girl because he’s a drunken louse
  • Boy kills himself

This is what the (((media))) want for your sons. This is the world they’ve envisioned for them. His future is a lifeless body, swinging from the rafters of an empty room: see Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, etc.

Will you wake up before it’s too late? Will you be able to steer your life in another direction? Will you have the courage to see that everything good is bad and everything bad is good?

Conversely, here is the movie from the “modern” woman’s perspective:

  • Girl is a stripper
  • Girl meets an Alpha male that sees the magic inside her
  • Girl becomes the legend she as destined to be
  • Girl continues on after alpha dies…no harm, no foul.

It seems better, but it’s really not. First off, your daughter should not be stripping. Secondly, she should not wait for a rock star to drag her out of a filthy gutter.

If she follows the advice in the movie, she’ll be the one swinging from the rafters – just look at how many modern women are currently on anti-depressants. The reason is not a debased nature; it’s because they’re following a debased Weltnschauung.

Satan is alive and well…and his name is Eric Roth. He is the Jewish writer of A Shiksa is Born and, like all his Satantic ilk, he receives a sick pleasure in polluting the spiritual waters of America. His joy lies in a discombobulated goyim, struggling to make sense of their crumbling lives.

There is no need to wait for Halloween to see monsters…they operate in the boardrooms and synagogues of Hollywood.

A Wife Will Blame the Failure of Her Sons on the Weltanschauung of Her Husband

A Wife Will Blame the Failure of Her Sons on the Weltanschauung of Her Husband

Not long ago I met up with an old friend. I remember his parents well growing up; they were both lovely people…his mother in particular. Today, both he and his brother are 50, unmarried and childless. Both of them are nice guys…for better or worse.

Long story short, the sons have failed to give their mother the grandchildren she has been waiting for.

“How are your parents?” I asked.

“It’s sad,” he replied. “My mother criticizes my father all day. She just jabs him, insults him…it never stops.”

Red-pill summary: A wife will blame the failure of her sons on the Weltanschauung of her husband.

In her mind, it was the father’s job to teach the sons about the “facts of life”: i.e. how to successfully interact with women. It was the father’s job to teach the sons how to respond to a woman’s shit test. It was the father’s job to teach the sons how to improve their SMV. I am sure that she never phrased it as such to him. But many things with women are unspoken. As the Manosphere says, women want a man that “just gets it.”

Fathers should remember this as they raise their sons. It’s not enough to provide them with financial support. They must give them the skills necessary to manuever through the minefield of the modern dating world. If not, there could come a day when the resentment of their spouse takes the place of the missing grandchildren.

What Andrew Carnegie’s Autobiography Teaches Us About the Historical Figures of the 19th Century

What Andrew Carnegie’s Autobiography Teaches Us About the Historical Figures of the 19th Century

Andrew Carnegie’s autobiography provides a wonderful look into the history of the 1800’s. In particular, we get first-hand accounts on the famous people from that time. Carnegie was the richest man of the 1800’s, and this wealth gained him access to the prominent figures of the century.

Below are a few excerpts from his autobiography:

On Abraham Lincoln:

All the pictures of this extraordinary man are like him. He was so marked of feature that it was impossible for any one to paint him and not produce a likeness. He was certainly one of the most homely men I ever saw when his features were in repose; but when excited or telling a story, intellect shone through his eyes and illuminated his face to a degree which I have seldom or never seen in any other.

His manners were perfect because natural; and he had a kind word for everybody, even the youngest boy in the office. His attentions were not graduated. They were the same to all, as deferential in talking to the messenger boy as to Secretary Seward. His charm lay in the total absence of manner. It was not so much, perhaps, what he said as the way in which he said it that never failed to win one. I have often regretted that I did not note down carefully at the time some of his curious sayings, for he said even common things in an original way. I never met a great man who so thoroughly made himself one with all men as Mr. Lincoln.

On Ulysses S. Grant:

I never heard Grant use a long or grand word, or make any attempt at “manner,” but the general impression that he was always reticent is a mistake. He was a surprisingly good talker sometimes and upon occasion liked to talk. His sentences were always short and to the point, and his observations upon things remarkably shrewd. When he had nothing to say he said nothing. I noticed that he was never tired of praising his subordinates in the war. He spoke of them as a fond father speaks of his children.

On Mark Twain:

He had a heroine in his wife. She it was who sustained him and traveled the world round with him as his guardian angel, and enabled him to conquer as Sir Walter did. This he never failed to tell to his intimates.

Never in my life did three words leave so keen a pang as those uttered upon my first call after Mrs. Clemens passed away. I fortunately found him alone and while my hand was still in his, and before one word had been spoken by either, there came from him, with a stronger pressure of my hand, these words: “A ruined home, a ruined home.” The silence was unbroken. I write this years after, but still I hear the words again and my heart responds.

On Booker Washington:

My connection with Hampton and Tuskegee Institutes, which promote the elevation of the colored race we formerly kept in slavery, has been a source of satisfaction and pleasure, and to know Booker Washington is a rare privilege. We should all take our hats off to the man who not only raised himself from slavery, but helped raise millions of his race to a higher stage of civilization.

On Matthew Arnold:

The most charming man, John Morley and I agree, that we ever knew was Matthew Arnold. He had, indeed, “a charm”—that is the only word which expresses the effect of his presence and his conversation. Even his look and grave silences charmed.

Arnold visited us in Scotland in 1887, and talking one day of sport he said he did not shoot, he could not kill anything that had wings and could soar in the clear blue sky; but, he added, he could not give up fishing—”the accessories are so delightful.”

I am really enjoying this book. We read so many secondary sources of the 1800’s that the time period has been clouded with commentary. So when we read a primary source like Carnegie, it’s refreshing. We see that the GREAT MEN of history we’re thoroughly human, striving to climb the ladder of success in their own lives.

See Related Article: On the Importance of a Trifle: (Great Wisdom from Andrew Carnegie)